Smjernice za građevinsku industriju koronavirus
Ljudske infekcije koronavirusom su obično blage i asimptomatske, što se odnosi i na novi koronavirus (SARS CoV 2). Inače se bolest razvija …
Energy from Wastes – Achieving Self-sustenance in Sewage Treatment Plant
The successful operation of a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) not only lies in achieving the desired standards …
Brisbane’s journey and vision to become a water-wise city
Brisbane has come a long way on the water wise journey. From a small outpost that struggled to provide its residents with clean drinking water during the early 1800s
Vodovodna mreža
Vodovod, sustav građevina, uređaja i instalacija namijenjen opskrbi vodom stambenih naselja, industrije, a dijelom i poljoprivrede. Njime se vode zahvaćaju, pročišćavaju, dovode do mjesta potrošnje i raspodjeljuju.